
Pursuing our sustainability focus and sharing best practice with our customers.

Sunstar can help you reduce your impact on the environment We can conduct waste audits for you to help identify ways to reduce your waste going to landfill and boost recycling. That is better for our environment.

Sunstar are committed to doing what we can to improve our own sustainability. We buy in bulk to reduce unnecessary packaging. Containers are returned to the manufacture for rewashing and reuse. Cardboard is recycled. Colour coded microfibre, mops and other textiles are rewashed and reused.

We follow the manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance plans to ensure all our service vehicles and equipment is safe, efficient and reliable for our team to operate. Preference is given to purchasing rechargeable equipment and products pre-coded for disassembly and recycling at the end of their operating life. We are relentlessly pursuing our sustainability focus and sharing best practice with our customers.

Our approach to Modern Slavery

We want to demonstrate our values of fairness, integrity, respect and encouragement. That’s why Sunstar employees deliver our services. We don’t ask anyone to work for less than the award. We want to ensure they receive their correct wages, allowances and benefits.

Any of our specialist associates who provide waste, pest and maintenance services under our supervision must agree to support our opposition to sham contracting and adhere to our values to maintain their approved supplier status.